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Der Hobbit: Handlungsunterschiede zwischen Buch und Film

Filmplakat (Ausschnitt) Filmplakat (Ausschnitt)

There are changes in the story that are mainly caused by additions. This article is trying to list the changes to the book and tries to explain the alterations.

Im Vorfeld zu Peter Jacksons Der Hobbit: Eine unerwartete Reise gab es zahlreiche Informationen darüber, dass der Film neben der Handlung des Hobbits ebenfalls Story-Elemente aus den Anhängen des Herrn der Ringe und dem Silmarillion enthalten würde. Im Film wird eine überraschend veränderte Handlung geliefert. Jürgen Rienow hat ein wissenschaftliches Essay verfasst, das sich mit eben diesen Unterschieden beschäftigt: An Unexpectedly Changed Journey - An Attempt to Explain the Story Alterations to ”The Hobbit” in the First Part of Peter Jackson’s Movie. Die komplett in Englisch abgefasste Arbeit liefert einige interessante Erkenntnisse. Vielen Dank für die Veröffentlichung dieses Textes exklusiv bei mellowdramatix.

“A book can never be adapted to film without any changes. History of film has tought us that since the early beginnings, i. e. the Jules Verne adaption of ”A Trip to the Moon” by Georges Méliès in 1902 or the ”Harry Potter” movies of current days. To omit parts of the story in order to better focus on the development of a main story line or the main character is a working method to create films that are accepted by a broad audience as ”worth watching” or even ”good”, which in the end of course guarantees a higher financial outcome for the producers.

”The Lord of the Rings” has been another example of this way of adaption (i. e. omitting the Old Forest and the Barrow Downs), although Peter Jackson carefully managed to integrate some left-out aspects in other parts of the film, i. e. the industrialization of The Shire now appears as a vision in Galadriel’s mirror in ”Fellowship” (but should have been at the end of ”Return of the King”), or the willow tree from the Old Forest that now grows on Treebeard’s Hill.

There are more examples, but it rarely happens that entire story arcs are added to a movie. This happened in the first part of ”The Hobbit” (which also comes as a three-part movie). Also, there are changes in the story that are mainly caused by the additions. This article is trying to list the changes to the book and then tries to explain the alterations and additions by using secondary tales written by Tolkien. With those, the story that is remembered to be a lovely fairy-tale becomes entangled in a complex setting and is not trivial.” (Rienow 2013, S. 1)


Weiter in An unexpectedly changed journey. An Attempt to Explain the Story Alterations to ”The Hobbit” in the First Part of Peter Jackson’s Movies, Jürgen Rienow, Kiel 2013 (PDF).

Letzte Änderung amMontag, 11 Februar 2019 08:58
Thomas Heuer

Dr. phil. Medienwissenschaft

Forscher, Fotograf, Filmemacher, Journalist, Gamer

Forschungsfelder: Immersionsmedien, Horror, vergleichende Mediendramaturgien, Game Studies, Medienethik und -philosophie

Abschlüsse: Medienwissenschaft M. A., Multimedia Production B. A., Facharbeiter Kommunikationselektronik

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